Dr. George Zhou
Senior Vice President
Dr. Zhou has three decades of professional experience in power engineering in industry and academia and is a power system expert with deep knowledge of the interconnected power grid in North America. He is currently Manager of Consulting and Analytical Services at S&C Electric Company. Previously, he was a Principal Consultant with Siemens Power Technologies International at its Silicon Valley office in California. He manages and provides consulting services to world-wide energy industry clients including electric utilities, independent system operators, renewable generation developers, and regulatory organizations. His expertise includes transmission and distribution system planning and operations, renewable resource integration and modeling, smart grid, energy storage, distributed energy resources, real time control, electric utility software system development, reliability risk assessment, and NERC Reliability Standards regulatory compliance. Dr. Zhou also served in various engineering capacities with industry leading companies including Electric Power Research Institute and Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Dr. Zhou was a member of the Planning Coordination Committee and the Chair of the Variable Generation Interconnection Task Force of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of California. He received his PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China and Iowa State University, Ames, IA.